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National Mail Forwarding

Have your mail sent to your new mail forwarding address and then forwarded anywhere in the country.  Keep your privacy with our private mail forwarding service.  We have many traditional mail forwarding and scanning options. 

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Mail Scanning Service

Mail scanning service is the most efficient way of having your mail forwarded.  When the mail is scanned into your online digital mailbox, you get to view the mail in real time from anywhere!  All mail is stored in your virtual mailbox. 

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Virtual Office Service

Virtual office combines our mail forwarding service and phone service. It also includes a legal office lease. It gives you everything you want in a virtual office and nothing you don’t. All for $18.99/month!

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RV Mail Forwarding Service

RV mail forwarding service is the road warriors best friend.  Keep a steady address to receive mail that an email address will not be good enough for.  Receive government applications, legal notices and letters that you can read instantly. 

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Traveling Nurse Mail Forwarding Service

Traveling nurse and doctor mail forwarding service is a great tool for the traveling professions.  Keep a steady address to receive mail in the form of envelopes and packages. Stop updating your address with all your contacts when you move for a new job. Stick with one permanent address.

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Accountant Mail Forwarding Service

CPA client mail forwarding service is a great tool for accountants. Have all client mail scanned and uploaded to an online account for cost savings and efficiency. Lesson the load of liability by not using your CPA office as an address solution for your clients.

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Attorney Mail Forwarding Service

Attorney client mail forwarding service is a great tool for lawyers. Have all client mail scanned and uploaded to an online account for cost savings and efficiency. Use a private address for your clients LLCs, Corporations, LPs and Trusts.

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Expat Mail Forwarding Service

Expat mail forwarding is for the worker that is living in another country.  Keep up on current mail with our expat mail forwarding service.  We can scan the mail to you and forward any important originals you may need. 

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International Mail Forwarding Service

International mail forwarding service from Sasquatch Mail.  Receive a USA mailing address with a street address, not a PO Box.  Shipping of envelopes and packages from our address in the US to your address in another country is available. 

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Secured Privacy

We use a step by step process to keep your information private and secure.  From the moment the mail arrives at our secure facility to the time the mail is shredded and recycled, we keep your privacy a top concern.  

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Mail Forwarding Service Price

$9.99/ monthly
or $99.99 / year
Get Started
  • Scans: $2 flat rate per standard envelope
  • Physically mail after scanning (optional): $2 plus postage
  • No postage deposit required
  • 30 day free physical storage
  • Free shred and recycle
  • Unlimited incoming mail and recipients (must use suite number)
  • Junk mail filtering
  • Optional Phone Service: $9 monthly (free 60-day trial!)